Conscious Communication ~ July 2019

Healing the Masculine With Spaciousness

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We are in the midst of an energetically powerful time - with several retrogrades, eclipses, and Cancer season here, emotions are running high and it is imperative that we take the time to get silent - to listen. Retrogrades always remind us to slow down, reflect, think, and then eventually receive insights in various components of our lives. Others may feel as though they have a burst of energy and are riding waves - this is still representation of an invitation to drop-in with yourself and recognize how you are using this power. This energetic gateway is a look into power and independence - how can you harness both physical and unearthly power in the highest and best ways? Unearthly power is not given lightly; it demands responsibility, compassion, caring, and sharing. The knowledge that may be gained during this time will teach humility and give a newfound excitement to share your unique gifts, talents, and abilities with the collective.

Commonly, our first instinct when it comes to the word “power” is “masculine”. With all this power coming up in our lives, we are asked to look back into the past and see how the masculine energy was represented. Without judgment or emotional involvement, take the observer’s neutral position of viewing your past experience with masculine energy. Masculine energy can be interpreted as an actual father, husband, brother, or son, action, or focused intent. Honor what comes up first. Maybe you have wounding around a masculine in your life; a time where masculine energy was imbalanced, overbearing, controlling, or even violent. The message coming to you during this time is to take care of the emotional baggage that was loaded onto you in the past before you can begin to receive the messages the Divine is intending to give you. Anger, guilt, resentment, and blame all block the subconscious mind from creating new opportunity in life. In balancing and supporting your own masculine energy of space-holding, aligned action, and expansiveness, you are healing that which has blocked you off from moving forward.

Balance your feminine energy by becoming receptive - allow yourself to bring more love in. With more love, brings more depth and meaning into life. Some of the highest vibrational emotions are forgiveness and unconditional love. You are safe to open yourself to love, regardless of your wounding. Currently, we are gathering self-love to store it for times of need in the upcoming months. Let go of anything in the heart space that does not serve you: worries, negative self-talk, pressures, or even items in your physical life. Your fears about the future and “needing” these things “someday” are burdensome and take up valuable space in your psyche, which could otherwise be cultivating wisdom, abundance, and more love. There is power in gathering more of what you need and releasing all of which you do not - your energy is precious and must not be wasted. It is time to cultivate forgiveness and spaciousness for yourself.

As we move forward, the doorways will burst open as a result of this work. Trust that there are many positive things on the horizon, such as new relationships, career opportunities, travel, and more. The answer to your prayers is YES - you are supported in the progress you have made and the sacrifices you gave when you were in your clearing processes. The gifts are on their way - spiritual, material, and intellectual. When you receive these gifts, it is important to honor what you have been given and aspire to help others as they make their own healing journey. Remember, the more you give, the more you receive.

Written by: Jaelyn Kohl