“To change the world one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to The Creator of All That Is. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.”
The world you see around you is a projection of what is written on the reel of your subconscious mind.
Just like a movie screen, the projection you see can only reflect that which is directly written onto the reel. You simply will not see anything on the screen that doesn’t match what has been programmed onto the reel. The same concept is true for the external reality of your own Life. You will only see your Life play out the constructs of what is programmed into your subconscious mind via neural pathways. Whether these programs are positive or negative, learned or conditioned, held over from a past-life or inherited in your genetic codes, they are responsible for your ability to manifest what you desire, how you feel about yourself, the types of relationships you attract, and so much more.
Marrying neuroscience and spirituality, ThetaHealing® dives deep into the subconscious mind to discover what neuropathways are at play in your life, in order to create actual healing.
Have you continued to attract the same types of romantic partners that just aren’t what you actually want? Do you feel stuck in old habits and patterns, unable to identify why you struggle to change? Are you consistently putting in effort, yet never actually seeing results manifest in your life? Have you been working on the same things in therapy over and over again, yet never really seeing true healing happen? All of these scenarios could indicate that somewhere buried in the subconscious mind are self-sabotaging neuropathways that are begging to be released, resolved, and refreshed with something more positive.
how does thetahealing work?
Think about it like this.
Thoughts are simply energy (electricity) that follow what we call neuropathways, or routes of electricity that move from receptor to receptor (synapse). According to Ohm’s Law, electricity follows the path of least resistance. The more we have a thought pattern, the more likely it is to become a belief, meaning that as these recurring thoughts are provoked, they create stronger neuropathways, which creates less resistance. Eventually, these synapses are so readily available to us that they become ingrained in the subconscious mind to become your “go-to” thought pattern, such as “I’m not good enough”. As these belief systems get stronger, they begin to appear in your external world, because again, that is what is written on your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind cannot exemplify anything other than what it is programmed. So basically, ‘believing is seeing’, rather than ‘seeing is believing’.
These negative feedback loops keep one stuck in these habitual patterns, as the subconscious mind attracts situations that reinforce the belief programs it’s holding onto.
The ThetaHealing Technique® is an incredibly ground-breaking form of energy healing that utilizes the Theta brainwave to access the subconscious mind, where we are actually open to healing. Via the Theta state, ThetaHealing® works with neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to form new neuropathways) and Source energy (Universe, God/Goddess, Creator, etc.) to reprogram positive beliefs into the subconscious mind, so we can start creating and living out our most fulfilling realities, fully immersed in our inherent worth.
what does a thetahealing session look like?
In every ThetaHealing® Session, three key elements are present: Identify, Clear/Resolve, and Download.
Jaelyn first begins with calling in her client’s guides, guardians, angels, ancestors, Ascended Masters, Higher Self, and the Creator of All That is to come into the space to offer guidance and healing in the highest and best possible way. Jaelyn proceeds to ask her clients their intentions for this work, and to describe where in their life they feel stuck, burdened, ill, frustrated, or unhealed. She allows her clients space to speak freely about where they are at in their life and listens with deep compassion and empathy. As she listens, she begins to draw the connections to what possible belief programs are hiding underneath these various places of imbalance, disharmony, dis-ease, or disorder.
Next, Jaelyn guides her clients deeper into the subconscious mind by asking a series of questions, known as ‘digging’. These questions are guided by Creator to help see the deeper connections in her client’s life, when and where these belief systems began, and how they are showing up in various areas of her client’s life to cause this disempowerment.
When the ‘key core beliefs’ have been Identified, Jaelyn then guides her clients into a deep Theta state through a personalized, channeled meditation. Once there, Jaelyn uses the ThetaHealing Technique® to clear/resolve these programs on all levels (Core, Genetic, Soul, and History), in all areas of her client’s life, and every cell of their body in the highest and best way possible. After these sabotaging belief systems have been cleared/resolved, she then Downloads the positive beliefs in their place, to witness and facilitate healing in the mind by co-creating new neuropathways with the help of the Creator of All That Is.
The healing happens immediately, directly, and potently, due to the power of the Creator and the plasticity of the subconscious mind.
about Jaelyn and her philosophy on ThetaHealing
Jaelyn is certified in the ThetaHealing Technique® as a both a Basic and Advanced Practitioner, with extra training in ‘digging’, or facilitating questions that lead clients into the subconscious mind. She found the ThetaHealing Technique® recently after being certified as a yoga instructor and was searching for something deeper, specifically to utilize her powerful psychic and healing abilities. Through unbelievable synchronicity, she was led to ThetaHealing® in 2016 and has been taking clients ever since. She considers it a true honor and privilege to hold this influential container for her client’s highest healing.
We have to give our wounds air in order to heal them.
Healing can never take place in the dark. With her expansive ability to hold a container of safety, support, compassion, and love, Jaelyn mindfully guides her clients into their deepest, darkest wounds to pour Light into them and co-create healing. Though her title is ‘Healer’, she always respects that her clients are responsible for their own healing, and that she is first and foremost a Witness to their own healing in co-creation with Spirit.
Jaelyn understands that it is her life’s work to help others find their own healing to achieve their most fulfilling reality, because as more and more people heal individually, the greater healing we can find for our global community and our planet at large.
what can thetahealing help me heal?
What is ThetaHealing? (From The ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge)
The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique. The ThetaHealing Technique was downloaded from a conversation with Creator regarding her seemingly impending death from a vicious bout of cancer.
The ThetaHealing Technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is (our God has many names and we call him Creator). It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.
The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and "delta" brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional wellbeing.
To learn more about the ThetaHealing Technique, visit www.thetahealing.com
“Going through sessions of ThetaHealing with Jaelyn opened my eyes to a side of life I had never seen before. Her sessions allowed me to understand and conquer emotions that I had suppressed for 20 years. Opening my mind to this experience was one of the better decisions I’ve made for myself. I cannot thank her enough.”
“I have been working with Jaelyn now for close to three years and her work as well as her philosophy inspires me to always gravitate towards my higher self. She brings great knowledge of ThetaHealing, and she also gives back to the community. I have been truly blessed to come across someone so gifted. Her healings channel my spirit to a different realm. I highly recommended her as she has great wisdom about how we have to ability to heal ourselves, our lineage, and our belief systems. She is very compassionate and she really listens to her clients needs. She is an incredible human being and is always a joy to work with.”
“Jaelyn is a light in this world. I was in a very dark place when Jaelyn suggested doing a ThetaHealing session. I had felt very negative, hopeless and frustrated about my life and where I was going for several years and had hit a wall... The work that Jaelyn and I did together cleared that negativity! It opened me to a new self-knowledge that allowed me to see old thought patterns, toxic relationship issues, fear and eventual safety. After our session, the healing continued. I was able to let go over the following days and weeks, of ideas and people and pain that no longer served me. I began to feel lighter and hopeful about my future again. Dreams, long put aside, have come back to the show their validity and I am able, now, to go forward with a sense of wholeness. As I continue on my path I will be forever grateful for the gifts I gained from my work with Jaelyn.”
“My life gives me bountiful reasons to smile; but the greatest, today, is my friend and ThetaHealer Jaelyn and the work we achieved together. She is an incredibly powerful being, a Lightworker, an energy healer and an intuitive reader, and all those who seek the light inside themselves should request her guidance. Words cannot express my gratitude.”
“When Jaelyn suggested I try ThetaHealing, I was struggling to process some extremely difficult challenges that life had presented me. I had felt lost, fearful, purposeless, and as if I had no guiding light to lead me. Jaelyn, through her powerful wisdom and passion to guide souls to their own divine light, helped me reconnect more wholeheartedly with my own self and the universe. Even after one session, my overall demeanor illuminated and I had an overwhelming sensation that the universe had my back. The usual troubling thought patterns that often stopped me in my tracks or sent me into negative spirals were soon replaced by optimism and faith. Even months after our final session, I still credit the work we did together as a significant part of my greater healing and growing into a more genuine, loving version of myself. My life is better because of the work we did together!
Jaelyn is a gentle, caring, intuitive healer/teacher that thrives to make the world a better place by healing one soul at a time. If you wish to better understand yourself, the greater energies around you, and create a better version of you, I cannot recommend enough that you try ThetaHealing with her. Much love to this wombyn and her gifts.”
“I was distraught & in 15 minutes, Jaelyn got to the core of my perceived problem & a very troubling situation was instantly healed. The anger I was unknowingly carrying was lifted & a miracle occurred simultaneously at home! Jaelyn is a miracle worker! I highly recommend her to everyone & all situations. Her gift must be shared.”
“My ThetaHealing session with Jaelyn truly changed my life. She made me feel completely comfortable so that everything was able to flow easily and we were able to accomplish a lot of important work. Her talent and compassion for her clients is remarkable and I look forward to our next session.”
“Jaelyn is an inspiration to me, her heart is filled with so much love and kindness. I thank and appreciate the work she does, she is one amazing healer and I feel so thankful to have gotten the chance to work with her. Much love.”
““How ought we walk through this life of uncertainty?
In the absence of a map, or protocol to follow, I take on a philosophical attitude of one who seeks the way, rather than one who knows.
This is not some high-minded, idealistic decision.
It the natural consequence of being terrible at life.
I follow dead end paths.
Mistake falsehood for truth; Bad for Good; Low for high; Demons for Angels.
And I despair.
In these times, I have not persevered through these moments of darkness by calling upon great reserve of strength.
Instead, the universe has taken mercy upon me.
Through no deserving work of my own, I am granted a glimpse of the path that I seek. I am gifted a hint of the way forward. I am offered reminder of the nature of the game and my role in it. I am shown the next step.
These moments of illumination—too few and too far between—have no common predictable theme.
But they all serve as a moment of respite in the unrelenting pounding of this incarnation.
I am protected long enough to catch my breath and get my eyes up and refocused.
Working with Jaelyn provided me with one of those moments.
I am eternally grateful to her for generosity working with me.
I entirely endorse her work.
It receives my highest recommendation.””