Celestial Sister of July ~ Amanda Cook
Amanda and I crossed paths this winter while working together in the Kids' Vacation Center at Steamboat. We immediately found a connection through a love of yoga, crystals, and conscious community! Amanda has become an inspiration for myself and this work, and I am pleased to present her as July's Celestial Sister for being an advocate for positive change in our community of Steamboat Springs and a warrior of love to the world. Please, give this Goddess a standing ovation!
How would you describe the work you do? Besides from your occupation, what is your offering to the world?
I am a teacher. I am a student. I am a motivational speaker and I am an athlete. I am kind and understanding. I am passionate and zestful. I am intentional with my thoughts, words and actions. My work is to be the best version of myself because I believe real change starts with me. The ancient science of Yoga has transformed me wholly. I have been blessed with many authentic teachers and have discovered many sacred truths. Now, as a certified yoga teacher, I feel it is my duty to offer to the world these tokens of information as I have so discovered them.
What is your spirit animal? Zodiac sign?
My spirit animal is a panda. I am a panda. I am literally made of panda. I recommend searching “pandas on playgrounds” videos on YouTube. You can see they are playful, funny, snuggly, jokesters.. Your shoe is untied, just kidding, let's hug. That's kinda how we pandas roll.
My zodiac sign is Taurus but let's all keep in mind that our zodiac sun sign is merely a fraction of our total cosmic make up. For example, my sun sign is Taurus which defines me as practical, grounded, witty and stubborn. However, my moon sign is in Cancer so I'm also a sensitive emotional mess. All very true aspects. :) A wonderful astrology reference: Samantha Savard! Samantha is an incredible astrologer that can bring you a lifetime of insight into your personal chart. She is local to Steamboat but also reads long distance. She can be contacted at sam_eye_m@hotmail.com.
You work with a lot of women in your life, what is your stance on the women's movement for equality?
I like where we are moving with this, collectively. I love to see so many people stand up for the day when gender falls off the planet. My stance for this movement is eye contact. Let us all look each other in the eyes so that we may communicate with each person and not their exterior image.
What do you feel is most important to keep in mind for yourself when facing adversity?
In my experience, adversity has usually been an opportunity to practice humility. To be humble is one of the strongest characteristics a person can posses. Without trial, we would never grow. I reach for authenticity and always do my best because I know that it's ok to be wrong, it is more important to be true. When I am challenged, I find that I get to know myself even better.
What do you life to do in your free time? Is there anything that you do on the side?
Everything basketball! I got Jordan’s on my feet and a ball in my trunk, I'm ready to go. I truly love all sports. Be active or die, ya know. I recently joined a coed softball team and it’s been great! I moved to Steamboat this year, so playing in recreational leagues is a fun way to meet new people. I also get a lot out of creative writing. Poems, songs, raps, melodies.. I like to flow with life and flow with words.
Describe your philosophy on life.
SPEAK TRUTH. Literally, let everything I say be true and everything I say be kind. A few years ago, I discovered the work of Masaru Emoto and his profound research with water. His findings offer tangible science behind the true power of our words, our thoughts and our actions. I did similar experiments and you can find the results on my website: www.creativepanda.guru Who woulda thunk it? The ‘power of the spoken word’ truly is a super POWER! It is my philosophy to demonstrate and share this beautiful truth.
What advice do you give to young women about overcoming challenges and just life in general?
Creative Expression! Be creative! Be expressive! Seek to understand yourself. Offer compassion to yourself every single day. Use the power of the spoken word to affirm who it is you want to be. Know that you are perfect. Enjoy the journey of your life with surrender and ease while going after what you want with authenticity and grace. The mystic forces will support you in your endeavors. You are loved.
At what point did you have that "AH-HA!" that you truly recognized your calling?
I saw a movie when I was a very young girl. It's called, The Muse, starring Sharon Stone. Her character’s career was to be a muse. She would travel around to work with different clients of all types. Her work was to help them remember their power. She would be hired to uplift and inspire someone that feels stuck in life. I’ve never forgotten this film. My entire life, when someone asked me what I want to be when I grow up, I think of this film and Stone’s character. I have known since back then that it is my duty to uplift and inspire. And today, I am a muse.
When was the turning point in your life that led you to where you are now?
“The struggle is real!” and so are growing pains. Even when my purpose felt clear, Life still got in the way. I can recall a handful of important turning points along my path but I would say the big boost was when I made the decision to travel to India to study the science of Yoga from the land of its origin. I had been practicing Yoga for many years and further understanding was calling me, hard. When I took myself seriously enough to make it happen, many beautiful doors began to open.
Who gave you the best advice you've ever gotten and what did they say?
My mom often says to me, “no matter where you go, there you are.” This forever echoes in my mind as such a sweet reminder that I can only truly live in the present moment. I am of no use to myself when I try to exist out of thoughts about past or future. I am here, now. I always am. It is quite the practice to remember that all the time but I am dedicated to practice. I always strive to be better than yesterday. I strive to give each present moment the attention it deserves.
Who, and what, inspires you?
I love to be inspired! I search for it in everything and everyone! I get inspired by learning something new. I love to evolve continuously and the more I know about, the more I have to pull from in the creativity pool. Experiences inspire me, so I find myself saying, “yes” to whatever I can whenever I can.
Here is your microphone to the world - what do you have to say?
Experiences move through you.
Surrender, accept, receive, give back.
Be still.
Change what you see if you don't like what you see.
Pick a flavor, become a flavor the world can savor.
In your walk and in your speech.
Thich Naht says, “walk like you were kissing the ground with your feet.”
I love that speech.
So simple. So sweet.
If I could change my world with my thoughts, who would I be?
I think I'd feel real good and I'd change my name to Free.
It'd be like the magic key to salvation.
Don't you see, in this world we are our own inspiration.
Please, unlock this truth and make it so
Cuz a world inside my head would make a really great show
And I'm ready to discover just how far I can go
If the truth really is that we reap what we sew.
So, put me in the garden,
Cuz I'm plantin’ seeds.
I'mma dig real deep.
I’mma reach and reach.
And I’mma find the best me that I could possibly be because who I am today is all up to me.
So let's see, it's early spring,
The land is lush green,
I get to choose who I be,
So today I am the season,
I am a beautiful scene.
I am dressed in morning dew blue
With a wildflower attitude.
I'm in a feel good mood.
Like spring, I am uplifting, I will uplift you.
Like spring, I bring change cuz it's time for somethin’ new.
So, here's a seed for kindness.
And here's a seed for love.
Here's a seed for speaking truth.
And here's a seed for giving hugs.
And here's a seed, just because,
The more I put in here the more falls from above.
Yes, this world is real.
And all we have to do is unplug and feel.
Connect so we can heal.
To Ancient Wisdom,
It’s all within us.
And when we seek it we will find
Like we are no longer blind
But in fact we can so clearly see,
That we are made up of
more greatness than anyone ever wanted us to believe.
We are powerful.
Like the roots of a tree.
Cover me in cement
And I will still break free.
But that's just me
Believing in me
Because once I did the whole world opened up
So yes, please,
Just call me Free.
A poem by Creative Panda