Celestial Sister of June ~ Molly Curtis

Introducing our inaugural Celestial Sister of the Month, Miss Molly "Moonrise" Curtis! Molly is a wonderful woman. She is your biggest cheerleader, the best shoulder to cry on, and never gives bad advice. Molly Curtis, a 20-something yogini currently residing in Boulder, Colorado, has a heart more pure than gold. If you’d like to learn about how Molly is changing the world with her positive vibes, check out our interview with her.

How would you describe the work you do? Besides from your occupation, what is your offering to the world?

My offering to the world is simple: sprinkling light wherever I go, in whatever forms I have available. Currently I am blessed with the tools of the Yogic path with which I am able to shed more light, but it's often as simple as being the only person you'll meet who almost always has a genuine smile on their face, regardless of the circumstances. Or hugging someone who needs it, or telling people they are able. It's very simple, this light sprinkling, but you can certainly make it as complex as you desire, shining rainbows and weaving webs of light in and around the world.

What is your spirit animal?

A mother wolf. She is the pathfinder, the swift messenger, bringing back medicine for her tribe. Wolves are highly individual, and dangerously faithful to their pack. The wolf helps us develop strength, confidence, and security. The moon supports the wolves with a wild, psychic, and receptive energy.

You work with a lot of women in your life, what is your stance on the women’s movement for equality?

I consider myself to be a feminist, but because that word is loaded, I want to make it clear that I don't want 'down with men,' either. I believe that we are moving as a collective towards a space where it's no longer different sexes, races, etc., but just people. After all, we are all just people and dividing us into categories only furthers us from unity. Of course, there is a strong resistance in existence these days, fighting back against social change trying to keep the all-powerful white male sitting in his throne. To this I respond: fear not, patriarchy, we are not trying to dethrone your power, only join it, sitting side by side in balance, in harmony. It's such a broad question and I could go on for pages, but overall I understand that we are moving towards a more circular power model, and in it we will include the feminine and the masculine, seamlessly creating a balanced giving and receiving, allowing space for all. 

What advice do you give to young women about overcoming challenges and just life in general?

Breathe. Always know that even when it seems like life is imploding on you, that there is a lesson in everything. Often, the most challenging parts of our lives are the biggest lessons for us to learn. If we pay attention to them, stay grateful (sometimes gritting our teeth), and keep our strength up, we come through on the other side stronger than ever.

What do you feel is most important to keep in mind for yourself when facing adversity?

Breath. It's the first thing I forget the and the first thing I try to remind myself of. When the world is closing in on me, I like to remind myself of all the space I inhale for myself with each breath. All of the space offered to me by the universe with each breath. This creates room for me to be, move, and create; leading to the solving of problems naturally.

What do you like to do in your free time? Is there anything that you do on the side?

Of course I do! Besides yoga, I love music, dancing, hula hooping, creating malas (check out @mollysmalafamily on instagram), learning, cooking healthy and tasty food, and lovin' on plants who find themselves in my vicinity. I love being outside, and try and hike a couple times a week with all the dogs I can get my hands on. I also have an intense case of wanderlust, hence why I don't have a doggy of my own already.

What is your philosophy on life?

It's much better with a smile. Also, it may be cliché, but life truly is what you make it. Though this reality is dense and manifesting density out of thought can take a lot of time and effort, all is possible with a little faith, effort, and love.

At what point did you feel you recognized your “calling” in this life? Have you had that “Ah-HA!” moment?

It wasn't really a single moment, but more an evolution and a kind, sometimes gentle, universe pointing me slowly back towards myself. I have always known I enjoy helping people; making others feel fed feeds me, but I tried on a lot of ideas before I landed on yoga therapy and holistic healing. In high school I thought I wanted to be a Western medicine doctor, at the beginning of college I thought I wanted to be a professor, but about halfway through I discovered my deep passion of yoga, and I knew this combined my love of healing with my love of teaching and sharing. I immediately fell deeply in love with the practice and the fruits thereof and wanted to share them. That was almost four years ago now and I am making it all a reality: I am a registered and active yoga teacher, currently studying to become a nutrition coach, and when that is over I am looking into learning herbal medicine. A long answer to a short question, but a long aha 'moment,' as well. (The turning point) was less like taking a right 90 degree turn and more like a gradual bow-like shape that brought me to where I am, and the beautiful circularity of it is comforting and was never abrupt.

Who gave you the best advice you’ve ever gotten and what did they say?

That is a wonderfully difficult question. I have received so many wonderful pieces of advice from so many people. I think the best piece of advice for me specifically has been given to me by many, but first by my parents, and it's simply, "Slow down." I tend to fill my schedule way too much and often will not leave enough time for getting places or finishing projects, and end up rushing. This gives me anxiety and things are either not done as well as they could be or I end up hurting myself. Another completely invaluable, more universally applicable piece of advice that I would like to share was given to me by my Aunt Val: "You don't have to decide right now." I can't remember exactly what decision I was making at the time, but this felt like it lifted the world off my shoulders. Of course, there comes a point when you either have a deadline, or not deciding is becomes putting off the inevitable, but usually there is more lee-way with decision making than we tell ourselves, and it can feel good to be reminded that we don't need to decide right away.

Who, and what, inspires you?

So many people, places, and things, but I'll only include a few here. Traveling inspires me. Gaining perspective through meeting new people, understanding the world through culture, and putting my feet into new soils are all invigorating for me and give me fuel for months! I also get inspiration from my community; I am surrounded by some of the most creative, determined, and intelligent people on the planet here in Boulder, Colorado, and daily I only need to look around to find inspiration in many souls. I have friends starting businesses, contributing to movements, and creating some of the most epic artwork and music you will ever have the pleasure to be in the presence of. I have a theory, though, that if you looked closely enough at anybody, you would find inspiration in them (even if someone inspires you to NOT be a certain way). Nature also inspires me. It grows so slowly, yet in the slow growth comes the strength. I can be very impatient and want results immediately, so looking to my plant peers helps remind me to breathe and trust that it will all happen in good time.

How can people connect with you? Classes, contact, website, appointment bookings, etc.

I am always searching for new people to connect with, whether you want to reach out for healing or friendship, please do! I'm on Facebook as Molly Curtis and have a page on there called Moonrise Muse, and am on Instagram as mollymoonrise. I teach in East Boulder at Vali Soul Sanctuary every Monday evening at 5pm and am on various sub lists around town and always post new classes on Instagram and Facebook, and I also offer privates (I am doing a summer special at $30/hr through August!). I am also in the process of launching my website, Moonrise Muse, where you can find my various offerings, musings, and other people's inspiring work that I will be sharing. 

Celestial Sisters of the Month are chosen on principles of how an individual is doing their part to consciously raise the frequency, empower the feminine, and spread some love. If you know of a candidate who is worth honoring with this accolade, please feel free to send me an email at jaelynkohl@celestial-sisters.com.