Closing of 2021 ~ Conscious Communication Channeled Missive
Image by Jaclyn Scaccia of
It’s there, in the quiet stirrings of your heart, the voice that speaks when all else is silent. It’s the whisperings that illuminate the path forward, excavate treasures from the buried wisdom of the soul and blast open epiphanies like the supernovas that created our galaxies. To access this sacred space is to drink from the basin of Truth, to nourish yourself in the ancient knowings of what has come before and what will be everlasting. All you have to do is get quiet enough to hear it, open enough to receive it, and soft enough to accept it. By tapping into this Source, you reveal wisdom that empowers not only yourself, but the children of Earth as a whole - to agree to this undertaking is to take your place in the grand orchestration of that which elevates the consciousness of humanity to new heights.
If your mental state has been provoked, prodded, suspended or consumed with the needs of others, take this moment now to offer yourself this time to reflect and turn this compassion towards yourself. This inner voice that desperately needs to be heard deserves the same honor, recognition, and presence as you have been so unwaveringly giving to others. By putting your own needs first, you are not turning away from others; in fact, you are simply tending to your fire so it may cast greater Light onto the shadows of others and further illuminate the greater scene that surrounds our communities. Be gentle with this process, as this little voice that speaks within your heart is often bellowed over by the mind and its gushing stream of consciousness. If the rushing waters of the mind start to take you away, gently paddle your way into the eddy of prayer. Prayer is the buoyancy that keeps us afloat when the waters rage around us. It is the nature of gravity to pull us towards the vast sea of wisdom, where prayer is both our anchor and our vessel.
The result of these moments of pure listening, of surrender into the Great Mystery, is the ability to release the blockages and obstacles that have acted as barricades between our personal Truths and the Universal Truths. To put it simply, the Universal Truth is always a resounding “Yes.” When our actions are aligned with our personal Truth, when we act within the scope of our own integrity, when we harness the virtue of impeccability, the Universe always responds with this singular affirmation. “Yes”. Our deepest desires and soul-fulfilling accomplishments arrive when we are in alignment with them, by showing up authentically to the Work throughout the journey back into the Heart. The only frequency strong enough to eliminate our self-imposed limitations is this foundational impeccability of Unconditional Love. The journey into the Heart asks that we find where we have built these barriers out of false illusions and inhibiting projections and call upon the inexhaustible courage within us to remove them. By devoting ourselves to acting, thinking, speaking, sharing, teaching, and creating out of our highest and most authentic selves, we change the world permanently for the better, for the generations that have been stuck in these chains and for the generations that are privileged to follow, free of the baggage and weariness of their predecessors.
The most intelligent teacher lives eternally within the heart, though the missives can only pour out of an open gate - one unhindered by the past nor fearful of the future. This wisdom-keeper must be nourished in the same way we would nurture a newborn babe or tend to a dear friend in distress - with patience, ever-presence, and compassion. It is a dance between the all-powerful presence of integrity with the softness of nurturance; the expansiveness of the masculine and the sweetness of the feminine. To surrender into the wisdom of the heart requires great courage, and conversely the courage to act in our highest integrity depends on the willingness to surrender to the wisdom that arrives out of the heart. The two cannot be separated, as the Sun will never be without its rays nor its rays ever be seen without their Source. In this same way, integrity will never shine without compassion, nor will compassion ever be experienced without its wellspring of integrity.
Written by: Jaelyn Harly of Celestial Sisters, 12.29.21
Photo by: Jaclyn Scaccia of