i am here now ~ part five

november 8, 2018

out of all my intentions for this trip,

presence was one

i came to conquer.

learning what it means

to be really with

my Self

and what’s in my heart.

my mantra of this twenty-third year

on planet earth

in this incarnation

is to ask myself,

‘what feels good?’

an offering of thought from my dearest sister molly.

i haven’t been able to commit

to what i want

and what i need

in what feels like forever.

now it’s expressing itself in so many ways,

like eating what tastes good,

to honoring my internal rhythms

of play or work;

to sharing my self with another

in the comfort of being held,

mind body spirit.

to shifting into abundance mindset

and buying that expensive rug

because it feels good to sit on.

to what experience i want to lean into next,

as i listen to the call

of the sacred wildness

of my rebel heart

and the tingling on the bottoms of my feet

that ask,

‘where to next?’

i am here now, present.

jaelyn kohl