Latest Anahata Malas


sweet like honey mala

| Jasper, Bumblebee Jasper, Labradorite, Citrine, Rhyolite |

This delightful mala has a strong energetic presence with jubilant yellows, earth tones, and an added mystique of blue flashes hidden in the unassuming silvery gray of Labradorite.

The Sweet Like Honey has a summery, vibrant energy of bumblebees hard at work. Bumblebee Jasper buzzes with the energy of this mala, stimulating mental energy and promoting energetic joyfulness and the celebration of life's small moments. The gorgeous Citrine used in this piece is subtle, with flashes of rainbows that catch in the sunlight and remind the wearer of their own Light that shines from within. Labradorite works in this piece to protect the subtle body and aura from unwanted or undesirable energy from the environment, other people, or situations. Rhyolite, a personal favorite, is a personal cheerleader, enhancing self-esteem, self-worth, and self-respect to create an unwavering inner strength.

Pure joy and happiness ooze from this mala like warm honey, encompassing anyone who comes into close contact with it in the sweetness of life.

{A V A I L A B L E}

$150 + free shipping in U.S.

Artisan’s mala

| Jasper, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Tigers Eye, Pietersite, Bloodstone, Golden Rosewood |

In the prayers that came through for this piece, it was clear that this Mala has a connection to the Divine Masculine, but offers an abundance of space held for the creative flow within that container. I imagined an artist with incredible talent though actively working to overcome self-doubt and/or restrictive habits.

Tigers Eye keeps us focused with our eyes on the prize, instinctively knowing what steps must be taken in order to get there. Pietersite, another stone of vision, is actually comprised of Tigers Eye, Hawks Eye, and Jasper, doubling down on the grounded and insightful approach to one’s goals. Jasper is immensely grounding, always working to balance the lower chakras in harmony with Mother Earth.

Bloodstone, in addition to protection and grounding, has purifying qualities that cleanse the blood and detoxify the body, particularly when used to overcome addictive habits. Golden Rosewood meets Bloodstone as an excellent aid for circulation in the body, as well as aiding in manifestation of desires, dreams, and healing.

{A V A I L A B L E}

$111 + free shipping in U.S.


| Unakite, Bloodstone, Mahogany Obsidian, Labradorite |

The Warrior’s Mala has an unwavering and commanding essence. It feels as steady, stable, and secure as the Earth itself, both worldly and dynamic, timeless and eternal. Unakite is a stone of harmony, bringing balance to the mind-body-heart triage and offers integration of the earthly to the spiritual. Bloodstone, given as an amulet throughout history and cultures to warriors to aid them on the battlefield and thought to stop wounds from excessive bleeding, also thwarts negative environmental energy and blocks electromagnetic and geopathic stressors from entering the physical body. Labradorite, found in this Mala not the traditional silvery-gray but instead a forest green, connects the mundane to the spiritual to bring about insight, vision, and guidance. The anchor of Mahogany Obsidian, a immensely stabilizing stone, strengthens a weak aura in difficult times, stimulates growth on all levels, and offers deep grounding protection. Serpentine sneaks its way in to offer ancestral wisdom retrieval and team up with Bloodstone to cleanse the blood and bones of the physical body.

Whether fighting an physical battle, an illness, a situation, or an internal discord, the Warrior’s Mala is a talisman of strength, imbued with the potency of the warrior’s spirit.

{A V A I L A B L E}

$104 + free shipping in U.S.

muladhara mala

| Mahogany Obsidian, Obsidian, Red Jasper |

Muladhara Mala, named after the Sanskrit name for the Root Chakra, has the power to pull any energetic density down through the root and send it into the Earth below.

Though each stone is used as a grounding tool, they each offer a slightly different and subtly nuanced way of going about this process. Mahogany Obsidian, a bit gentler than the stark and unyielding Black Obsidian, vitalizes a sense of purpose and stimulates growth on all levels, ensuring that one feels stabilized throughout the aura and physical body. Black Obsidian, on the other hand, is a stone to be used with caution as it has a tendency to bring up the deepest, most buried negative emotions and unpleasant truths to the surface for removal. However, its truth-telling abilities and swift action is of tremendous benefit to those seeking to accelerate their healing process. Red Jasper is a kind of mediator between the two, offering a gentle stimulation of grounding energy but works to bring problems to light before they become too overwhelming. Black Obsidian, a stone without boundaries, is positively quelled by Red Jasper and it’s boundary-strengthening abilities.

This Mala would be a powerful ally to anyone in the healing process of releasing trauma from the physical body or someone who carries a heavy load in their daily life. Please note: this Mala is only to be used by someone who is very familiar with their shadow-work and well-equipped (i.e. has a strong spiritual practice, works closely with a healer or mental health expert, or has been walking this path for a long time) to handle what can arise for healing.

{A V A I L A B L E}

$105 + free shipping in U.S.