Celestial Sisters

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Celestial Sister of May ~ Dawn Hehr

Dawn and I met in early 2017 and both knew right away we had work to do together. Over the past year, Dawn has become a dear sister, mentor, inspiration, motivator, and support to me. She is an intuitive at its fullest extent, a force to be reckoned with, and a powerful manifestor. In fact, she even manifested me!

It is my pleasure and my honor to introduce to you this goddess in her truth. We spoke about life on a deeper level in this interview and I believe that her message is for the ears of many. Every time we speak, I learn something new about this wombyn and I am humbly grateful for her willingness to accept my offer as Celestial Sister of the Month.

What is your spirit animal? Zodiac sign?

My animal spirit totem I believe is the Fox just because the fox guides us to use our intuitive instincts and creative energies and I love creating things. My zodiac sign is Leo.

How would you describe the work you do? Besides from your occupation, what is your offering to the world?

I would say my occupation is an intuitive and an energy worker. My passion lies in assisting others to re-fall in love with themselves; showing them how to shift the way they were taught and align them to the way they were made. I believe everyone needs healing emotionally and spiritually so I like to bring compassion to my work to validate them and give understanding to the needs of their emotional body that has been unrecognized for so long. I believe that we have gifts in our wounds.

You work with a lot of women in your life, what is your stance on the women’s movement for equality and embodying the feminine essence?

I believe we are should all be equal but being aggressive about it isn't the right way. I think we have come along way already and we should honor where we are now and trust that we will all be in a realm of equality someday. I think that all women should connect with their divine feminine essence because it is that very essence that brings us in wholeness and into our alignment with the Higher Self. When we disregard our true nature we disregard the collective.

What do you feel is most important to keep in mind for yourself when facing adversity?

Well, when we are facing a struggle of any kind we must first of all stop and just breathe. Try to gain knowledge and awareness that there is a lesson that is needs to be learned. That the very low moments of our lives should be in celebration of the gift of understanding and be learning how to work through difficult situations. It is what we came here for.

What do you like to do in your free time? Is there anything that you do on the side?

Well, I really I like to be alone in my free time to go to the river, go for a hike and meditate or plant flowers get my hands in the dirt. I have a garden and love to grow my own veggies. So I would say that's kind of a hobby.  I do like to go camping and sleep in a tent being close to the earth and smelling the pine trees and the mountain air.

I have a lot of side things I do - I would say I am a jack of many trades. I always have something brewing in the pot. I am a vegetarian, and I sell a product called JuicePlus+ which is all of your fruits and vegetables your daily recommended allowance. I read Runes for people which is an ancient stone oracle practice that originated in Ireland. It consists of small stones with symbols on them. I had a very lovely women give them to me as a gift and ever since I have been inspired by the readings that help many of my clients.

What advice do you give to young women about overcoming challenges and just life in general?

I would say any women out there having a hard time with life and not knowing your direction, try to slow down and always go into the breath. Know that it will be temporary and you're okay - the universe supports you and you are just going through a lesson in life and learn from it. Don't let it knock you down, get back up, dust yourself off, and learn the lesson with gratitude because it gives us more willpower and strength to move forward toward our best life ever. 

At what point did you feel that you recognized your “calling” in this life? Have you had that “Ah-HA!” moment?

I guess I was pretty young when I had my "ah-ha" moment. Very young, actually, about 4 years old I realized I was right about something that happened, something I said to my grandmother, and when it came true my grandmother said not to say things anymore. I felt like she wanted me to hide something very special away from others so I guess it was then that I realized I understood things differently than others. Like mind-reading without the mind. 

When was the turning point of your life that led you in the direction you’re headed towards now?

The turning point in my life which changed my direction was a tragedy with a loved one. I had predicted it two years prior and warned everyone. They thought that the story was crazy, but I literally watched it play out before my eyes and realized I couldn't have stopped it and that I wasn't in control of this life - that I was connected to something greater that made me investigate and gain knowledge in my own abilities. The light bulb really went on then. I started to pursue that by taking a yoga teacher training for an amazing practice called Bowspring. It works with the connective tissue and really allows you to release emotions through poses. It is very innovative and can really crack you open as to not being accountable to our own wellness and good state of mind.

Who gave you the best advice you’ve ever gotten and what did they say?

The best advice I got from someone was this guy that was a friend of my friend. He was in my town teaching whipping and sticks. He was a master and very knowledgeable at that. He came to the college where I teach yoga and had lunch with me and my friend. At first he kind of scoped me out I got nervous because he was a master at his art and he was a lot older than me. He said "I would like to tell you something," and I took a breath. He said, "Do you know that you have a monkey in your mind and that monkey has to be disciplined and not stopped". I said "I thought we have overactive monkey minds and my mind is very active." He said, "Well you have to be nice to the monkey because the monkey is part of a whole. When we shut down the monkey we shut down a part of ourselves and that's not good. So tame the monkey to behave and you will always have control of him."

In your opinion, what is holding the world back from being fully awakened?

I believe that the world is being held back and not awakening because we have been feed fluoride to calcify our pineal glands, processed foods, bad water, and pesticide-filled lawns and food crops. They are polluting our bodies because they are toxic to the human body. Let's also mention that our appliances and electricity also affect us. We put our phones to our ears and it causes radiation to go right into the brain. We have been so dumbed down by the system that we have had a veil over the truth.

Who, and what, inspires you?

People inspire me. I love teaching and assisting people to really find balance and wellness in their own lives by going to the emotions first to assess their suffering. Giving love and receiving the same love and healing from them as well.

Here is your microphone to the world - what do you have to say?

Be the Change you want to see in the world and stay true to you. You are light, you are love!! Namaste.

Love, Dawn (Sridaiva Wellness)

Dawn Hehr is a Wellness Coach, Sridaiva Yoga Teacher, Visionary, Intuitive Life Coach, Integrated Energy Therapist, Jin Shin Jyutsu healer and a Universal Rays Practitoner. Dawn's passion lies in helping others nurture the best parts of themselves through alternative movement therapies for balancing the mind, body, and ethereal spirit. Dawn assists in bringing her clients closer to their authentic, truest nature. It is her honor to help others find love for themselves and show them how to take accountability for their own happiness, health, and wellness. 

Dawn and I will be joining forces at Downtown Yoga Festival in Salt Lake City on July 21st, The Holy Imbolc Women's Awakening Retreat in St. George, UT in August, Vegas Gone Yoga! Festival in October, and Bhakti Fest in Joshua Tree, CA in September.

Be on the lookout for our local events in Steamboat Springs and surrounding areas, and tune into our Conscious Coffee Talks on Facebook Live!

Interview by Jaelyn Kohl, Celestial Sisters